Resources on Culturally Responsive Teaching

Have you ever considered how culturally responsive teaching can transform your classroom into a vibrant community of engaged learners? As educators, it’s crucial to recognize that each student’s cultural background significantly influences their learning experience. This post delves into essential resources on culturally responsive teaching, a powerful approach that fosters an inclusive and dynamic learning environment. From practical tips to insightful book recommendations, these resources are tailored to help educators embrace the diversity and richness of all students’ cultural identities. Dive in to discover how you can enrich your teaching practice and make every student feel valued and understood.

culturally responsive teaching

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Why Do We Need Culturally Responsive Teachers?

Teachers who possess cultural competence and practice culturally responsive teaching in the classroom achieve amazing learning results.

Teaching that ignores a student’s culture leads to a lack of necessary teacher-student relationships. And this lack of relationship can lead to student rebellion. The resources below are packed with effective, culturally responsive pedagogy and teaching strategies. Some of them are free, and some of them come with a price.

But no price is greater than having students in your classroom who feel rejected and invisible in the classroom community.

What is Culturally Responsive Teaching?

Before we dig deep into the resources on culturally responsive teaching, let’s define what it is:

It includes promoting racial diversity, but it also runs much deeper than just noticing a student’s skin color.

Everything about your classroom can be culturally responsive. That includes lessons, your relationship with students, and even your classroom set-up. Here are some amazing resources to help you build a culturally responsive classroom.

Books and DVDs on Cultural Responsiveness

Exploring the world of culturally responsive teaching further, let’s dive into some insightful books and DVDs specifically curated for this purpose. These resources not only offer theoretical insights but also practical strategies to effectively implement cultural responsiveness in your classroom.

Culturally Responsive Teaching: How To Bridge the Disconnect by Dr. Shonta M. Smith, Ed.D

resources on culturally responsive teaching

This is a powerful DVD on culturally responsive teaching strategies. Sometimes, it just helps to see pedagogy in action! The full DVD lasts a little over an hour, so it doesn’t take up all your time. This resource gives research and philosophy on culturally responsive teaching with practical tips for teachers.

50 Literacy Strategies for Culturally Responsive Teaching, K-8 by Patricia Ruggiano Schmidt and Wen Ma

As a teacher who loves literacy centers, I was truly happy to find this resource. Students who feel emotionally connected to classroom learning are usually more motivated to stick with the learning. This is something I’ve noticed personally with my work as a classroom teacher and as an online ESL teacher. These literacy strategies are practical and easy to implement.

Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students by Zaretta Hammond

This book is another excellent resource for teachers who want to build stronger cultural competence in the classroom. I love the way it shows how culturally responsive teaching impacts the brain. Plus, it breaks down what “rigor” really looks like in a multi-cultural classroom.

Here are more books and DVDs on this topic:

Podcasts Addressing Multi-Cultural Education

I love a good podcast! Since I work full-time as a single parent, something I openly talk about in my bio here–I really enjoy the ease of listening to a podcast. There are some really great podcasts that touch on topics of cultural responsiveness for schools.

Here are my two favorite podcasts:

#1 Angela Watson’s Truth for Teachers

Not only does Angela Watson coach teachers on how to save time and stay organized, but she does a BEAUTIFUL job tackling hard topics like race and cultural acceptance. One of my favorite posts by her is this ONE about including more people of color as educators in schools.

Culturally responsive teaching begins with teachers and school leaders! So promoting diversity among the faculty and staff really helps send a positive message to the student body. Angela’s podcast is worth checking out if you’re looking for audio resources on culturally responsive teaching strategies.

#2 Cult of Pedagogy by Jennifer Gonzalez

Another awesome podcast with tons of tips for teachers is Cult of Pedagogy! Jennifer Gonzalez gives great pointers on so many things like using technology effectively and more! She has a specific episode (#78 that you can access HERE) that addresses myths on culturally responsive teaching.

Displaying diverse art in your classroom can be a great practical way to include all learners. Click the image above for ideas on diversity art!

Social Media & Memberships Offer Resources for Teaching Diverse Learners

Let’s not underestimate the wealth of information available for FREE through social media! I recommend this as a resource for culturally responsive teaching because many experts bring their expertise to the table on this topic. You can get access to these professionals by engaging with them directly on social media.

DISCLAIMER on Social Media:

Not everyone is an expert on this topic! You do have to be careful with social media. There are many engaging in this conversation that are just “screaming from their soapbox!” So always fact-check your resources when you see culturally responsive teaching tips being tossed about online.

Although I haven’t used it yet, I am VERY excited to try out this Diversity ball with questions about culture. This would be a great conversation starter, even in staff meetings or for conferences/training on diversity education. Click the image above for more details on it.

Membership Organization Dedicated to Cultural Responsiveness:

ASCD stands for the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development.

I have been a member of this educational organization for years. And I LOVE their books, magazines, and online resources for all things related to teaching. They offer deep research and helpful tips for teachers on several topics: especially inclusive education. You can find out more about them HERE.

Ideas for Implementing Culturally Responsive Teaching

Embracing diversity in our classrooms isn’t just a necessity; it’s a journey towards richer, more meaningful teaching. Here are some quick, actionable ideas to bring culturally responsive teaching to life in your classroom:

  1. Tailor Lessons to Reflect Diverse Cultures: Get to know your students’ backgrounds and weave elements from their cultures into your lessons. This approach not only deepens learning but also celebrates each student’s unique heritage.

  2. Select Diverse Teaching Materials: Choose books and resources that showcase a variety of cultures. By doing this, you’re offering students a window into different perspectives and a mirror to see themselves represented.

  3. Decorate with Diversity in Mind: Let your classroom be a visual celebration of cultural diversity. Posters, artwork, and artifacts can turn your space into a welcoming world of inclusivity.

  4. Facilitate Cultural Sharing: Encourage students to share their cultural stories and traditions. This not only enriches the classroom environment but also fosters mutual respect and understanding.

  5. Embrace Various Learning Styles: Acknowledge that cultural backgrounds can influence learning preferences. Adapting your teaching to accommodate these styles can make your lessons more effective and engaging.

  6. Celebrate Black History Month with Biographies: Use this month as an opportunity to introduce your students to the lives of inspiring Black figures. This not only honors their legacies but also offers students powerful role models and a deeper appreciation of Black history. Check out my Black History Month Biographies by clicking on the picture below!

culturally responsive teaching
Use this resource in your classroom for more cultural training with students. Click the image for more details.

How Do You Become a Culturally Responsive Teacher?

Before ending this list of resources, I want to offer some teaching tips on being more culturally responsive. There are so many useful way to build a culturally responsive classroom.

The tips I’m sharing are based on the research I’ve done using the resources mentioned above.

I intentionally chose a few of the tips I felt were the most practical and easy to implement right away:

  • Learn to pronounce your students’ name correctly.
  • Be aware of your own cultural identity and how it impacts others.
  • Do not isolate students based on race, gender, and culture.
  • Avoid asking one student to speak as a representative on behalf of their entire race.
  • Include your students’ perspectives and values in the learning process.
  • Offer a variety of reading material that promotes racial diversity and gender equity.
  • Don’t just acknowledge culture, embrace it by celebrating cultural holidays and special events.
  • Find ways to include students’ culture in all aspects of learning.
  • Avoid making judgments and critical statements about traditions and aspects of different cultures.

Helping students connect their culture and background to the learning is still a TOP way to build engagement. I hope these resources and tips on culturally responsive teaching are helpful for you.

Anti-Racist Teaching Resources

Many people use the phrases “culturally responsive teaching” and “anti-racist” teaching synonymously. However, there are some very important differences.

If you are interested in anti-racist teaching tips and resources, you can find what you need here:

Thanks for transforming learning beautifully, teacher friends!

The Butterfly Teacher

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resources on culturally responsive teaching

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