Currently, we sell our digital items in this site shop to anyone located in the United States as well as all other countries around the world. Additionally, anyone may purchase items from our Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) store as well.
*Kindly Note: All items purchased on this site are digital downloads only. We do not sell physical items that need to be shipped to you in the mail. However, if you are interested in purchasing Tanya G. Marshall’s book The Vocabulary Workbook for Grades 3, 4, and 5 you may do so from Amazon or anywhere else physical books are sold.
Digital Products – Due to the nature of these products, once a product is bought and downloaded, it cannot be returned. Please ensure that you look carefully at what you are buying and read the details underneath each product before you make a purchase. Your satisfaction means a lot to us and will be happy to work with you, if you are unsatisfied.
The resources in both shops are the same. Occasionally, we will offer exclusive resources here on our site that differ from our resources on TPT. Any exclusive content will be clearly marked as such with details on why it isn’t available in our TPT store.
Otherwise, you can find the same resources in this site shop as you can in our TPT store. Having this site shop allows us to have a detailed filter system, which makes it easier to find the exact resource you need. Plus, in this site shop, we can offer larger discounts and coupon deals for special sales and promotions!
YAY! We’re glad the resource is so helpful! We don’t want you to have to pay twice for the same resource. If you want to purchase the bundle within three months of the original purchase of the individual resource, we will give you an individual coupon code subtracting the difference of the price from only one bundle containing that resource.
For instance, if you purchase a unit that’s $10 and now you want to buy the bundle which contains that same unit. The bundle may be priced at $75. Contact us and we will give you a special coupon code that subtracts the $10 you originally spent on the unit. (This example is for illustrative purposes only.)
You must provide all the purchase information we request in order to have the coupon code issued. This one-time use code cannot be used for any other purchases or by anyone else. All requests such as this will be carefully review by The Butterfly Teacher team. Requests may be denied if accurate information is not provided in a timely manner.
Anything you purchase or download from our site shop here will be located in the “My Account” section. Log in to your account for a list of all your purchases/freebies.
Firstly, thank you so much for leaving feedback on our resources, which allowed you to earn credit through TPT. However, we cannot accept TPT’s credit points here in our site store.
Additionally, we are happy to offer you a comparable credit points system here. When you leave feedback on purchases from this site store, you earn credits which can be redeemed for discounts on future purchases from this site store only.
Yes, they are. Occasionally, we will offer discounts, sales, coupons, and other deals that make the prices different from this shop to our TPT shop. These coupons cannot be applied across stores.
Besides special conditions such as these, all prices are the same in our store here as well as our store on TPT.