Making the end of the year memorable is important for teachers and students. This post features end-of-the-year read alouds that you can use with students during the final weeks of school.
Plus you can grab a FREE end of the year memory wheel activity!
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Why End-of-the-Year Read Alouds?
Reading out loud to your students during the last days of school gives a special opportunity to end the year well.
Each year, I begin my end-of-the-year read alouds about two weeks before the last day of school. I know some may consider this too early, but I have so many themed books for this time of the year, with activities for each, that it takes me about that long to get through them all.
PLUS, students (and teachers!) are so excited about the summer days ahead that students are motivated to engage with these books!
If you aren’t able to read these end of the year read alouds out loud to your students, you can display some of these books on a display bookcase to encourage students to read them during their independent reading time.
My students enjoy the variety and surprise of each end-of-year read aloud!
Reading for the Final Weeks of School
It may seem like a challenge to get students seated quietly for reading during the final weeks of school. But it is a lot easier than you think!
Having students gather quietly on the carpet for read-aloud time each day actually keeps the end-of-year crazies from being unleashed!
Although I teach 4th graders, I read books across grade levels because the reading ability level of my students calls for that. But I also want to read for the FUN of it!
Your students will be more interested in the theme and content of these end of the year read alouds than the book level anyway!
I begin each school year with First Day Jitters by the same author, which displays the same characters. So it is always a very special surprise to my students when I end the year reading this one.
Even if you don’t read the part one version, the book is still such a cute way to showcase students’ perception of teachers during the end of the school year vs. the reality!
Both of Natasha Wing’s books present the perfect opportunity to talk about the students’ summer plans. I find all sorts of fun ideas on Pinterest and Facebook for showcasing their upcoming summer-fun!
Warning: this one is a tear-jerker! This book is also one of my favorite books to give to my Room Moms or parent volunteers as a gift.
I pass the book around the room for students to sign and we present it to our helpers. All those remaining boxes of tissues are used up very quickly with this read-aloud!