11 Children’s Books Written by Celebrities for Classroom Teachers

Teachers can never have too many book choices for students to enjoy! This post showcases 11 children’s books written by celebrities for elementary classroom teachers.

*This post contains affiliate links to Amazon for your convenience. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, which do not cost any extra for you. Please see the full disclosure here.*

If you’ve spent any time on this site, you know I am always on the hunt for good read-alouds! Stories do more than just captivate students. Engaging children’s books can help:

  • Build classroom community
  • Teach important character traits
  • Motivate students to read more
  • Address uncomfortable topics

I could actually go on even more with this list! But all my teacher friends get the point already. We know the power of reading out loud to kids.

So I’m super excited to share each of these children’s books written by celebrities for elementary classroom teachers to enjoy!

Why Do Celebrities Write Children’s Books?

Before we dive into our book list, let’s go ahead and address the elephant in the room.

Some literacy coaches, a few teachers, and a handful of children’s authors argue against using kids books written by celebrities in the classroom.

One of their reasons is “celebrities aren’t real authors and their books make it hard for authors who work hard writing children’s books.”

All throughout the school year, I encourage my students to write as much as possible. I even use the phrase “let your inner author out!”

I want my students to feel inspired and confident to be writers; so I push them to also read good writing–no matter who or what the author looks like!

Comic books, graphic novels, history books, how-to manuals for kids, magazines, newspapers, AND children’s books by celebrities live on my library shelf right beside other chapter books and read alouds.

The main goal is to get your kids reading and writing more. To keep them excited about learning creates a full classroom environment that’s positive. And if celebrities’ children’s books help achieve that goal–then go for it!

Ok–elephant addressed! Let’s see what these celebrities are writing about!

A BIG thanks to Nici Bentivegna for creating this beautiful infographic and sharing it with The Butterfly Teacher’s readers! Click HERE to learn more about her and Nola!

Children’s Books Written By Celebrities

If you want more details on the celebrities’ children’s books shown above, I have more convenient access to each book below.

As mentioned above, these are affiliate links to Amazon. They cost you nothing to use, but you can see my disclosure for the nitty gritty details.

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Several of the books on this list are available for FREE through Audible. That makes them great options for listening centers. Get your FREE trial here.

More Read Aloud Book Ideas

As you can see from the list of books written by celebrities, the reading levels stretch across all elementary school ages.

If you are looking for more book ideas for older kids, you’ll enjoy these posts:

Please share this post on your favorite social media site to let other teachers and parents know about these book ideas!

The Butterfly Teacher

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