Weekly Paragraph Editing | Printables + Digital

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(146 customer reviews)

This weekly paragraph editing resource for 4th & 5th graders helps students gain confidence in editing non-fiction paragraphs. This spiraled editing practice also helps students learn how to apply those grammar skills to their own writing. A valuable addition to your library of resources.

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  • literacy centers 3rd 4th 5th grade

    Upper Elementary Literacy Center Activities | Printable + Digital ELA Stations

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  • Grammar Practice, Worksheets & Games 3rd 4th Grade Grammar Review & Test Prep

    Grammar Practice, Worksheets & Games 3rd 4th Grade Grammar Review & Test Prep

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  • Weekly Paragraph Editing Worksheets + Proofreading Assessments

    Weekly Paragraph Editing Worksheets + Proofreading Assessments

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This weekly paragraph editing resource for 4th & 5th graders helps students gain confidence in editing non-fiction paragraphs. This spiraled editing practice also helps students learn how to apply those grammar skills to their own writing. You can use these for morning work, an early finisher activity, homework and more.


What’s Included in this weekly paragraph editing set:

Each sheet has two paragraphs that include a variety of grammar mistakes that students must identify and correct.


By rewriting the full paragraph without the errors, students get ample writing practice that helps them apply correct grammar and spelling.


It has a Google Slides version that can be used for digital learning and technology /literacy centers.


2022 UPDATE: You now also get an exit slip version in a half-sheet layout for easier printing.


☝️☝️ Check out the PREVIEW for more Information ☝️☝️


Save Time + Help Students:

Every week of paragraph editing practice is spiraled so that students are getting on-going, targeted practice repetitively for 20 weeks total.


Since each week has two proofreading paragraphs to edit, that’s a total of 40 paragraphs you can use to help students master their editing skills.


You now also have the option to give students one paragraph per week for 40 weeks of paragraph editing practice!


This weekly paragraph editing resource also contains:

  • Writing Templates for Students
  • Scope & Sequence Charts for Teachers
  • Answer Keys
  • Editing Checklist for Students-
  • Teacher Directions & Lesson Plan Ideas
  • Teacher Binder Covers


☝️☝️ Check out the PREVIEW for more Information ☝️☝️


This resource is saved in a zip file, which includes the direct link to the Google Slides version.


More ELA & Grammar Resources For You:



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146 reviews for Weekly Paragraph Editing | Printables + Digital

  1. Melissa S.

    My students found the topics engaging and the checklist on the side helped them get all of the mistakes quite easily. Lots of debate in my classroom around spelling American VS Canadian though.

  2. Jessica S.

    This resource was easy to use and a great addition to my test prep resources.

  3. Cindy Quinones

    I’ve used this during my Literature Success class and my students absolutely love it.

  4. Amy B.

    These are great! The paragraphs are interesting, and the students love finding the errors belonging to someone else!

  5. Plonge

    I love them, even if my grade 5 students find grammar boring. We use it as their morning bell work when they come in each day.

  6. Jason R.

    This was a good resource that my students enjoyed although I wish it was editable.

  7. Ericka Mooney

    I found this to be an excellent resource. I found this to be an excellent resource.

  8. Katie Griswold

    This is great. My students have been “forgetting” where to put punctuation, capitals, etc. and this is nice to have them complete. I like how they need to write the paragraph with the fixes afterwards.

  9. Alyssa I.

    This resource is engaging and helped reinforce concepts my students are learning in the resource room.

  10. Angela Parrish Miller

    These come in handy to help my students review their editing skills.

  11. Kelly B.

    This was a great resource to use for morning work. We did one every Tuesday morning and then corrected it as a class. Some of them had some errors, but overall was a great activity for reviewing proper grammar and punctuation.

  12. Laura M.

    My students loved using this resource in the classroom! A life-saver!!

  13. Cassidy W.

    This has become a guiding resource for my grammar instructions. I use these every week to tell me what we need to cover for the week.

  14. Teaching Ahead of the Game

    This resource is fantastic. My students actually enjoy finding all of the mistakes.

  15. Edgar R.

    great resource, it was so easy to use the students liked it.

  16. Andrea S.

    I really was excited about this as I am working on proofreading with my group of middle school students in Language Arts. The slides are ready to go with highlighting options for dragging which is really an awesome aspect for some kiddos with fine motors difficulties or those that are new to using the computer. I was hoping to edit the material on the slides because I work with students with a range of reading abilities which means they also have a range of spelling skills. Tanya offered options for me to that I could focus on the grammar (verb agreement), capitalization and punctuation. Really grateful for this adjustment and Tanay!

  17. Sophia K.

    My students enjoy the activity. We compete against one another but I like it because it gets them questioning their writing skills.

  18. Jessica W.

    I really like this resource. It gives them a chance to notice the different types of mistakes and then to remodel sentences into better sentences. My kids are starting to understanding complex and compound sentences now!

  19. Talia C.

    These are perfect for daily warm ups. My kids love fixing errors and editing. Just what I was looking for. Would love to see more on a variety of topics.

  20. All LIT Up

    Wonderful resource! Exactly what I was looking for!

  21. Teaching Abroad and Beyond

    Thank you for this activity. It really helped my tutoring students.

  22. Learning Listings

    good resource for students to practice editing and paragraph structure

  23. Jaime Z.

    I’m so glad that I purchased this for my students to practice editing. They are great at finding other people’s mistakes!

  24. Denise R.

    Great product. Used it during ELA Word Work Center. Students found it challenging but not too fustruating.

  25. Sarah McAlexander

    This is a great resource for small group work! I have been using this as a rotation in my small groups and the students are engaged the whole time.

  26. Katie P.

    This was a great way for students to practice in a small group or independently! I love that it covered different grammar and structure concepts that my 4th graders struggle with.

  27. Modern Language Academy

    I’m looking forward to using this resource with my students this year!

  28. Michelle J.

    Great to use for morning work when students come into class.

  29. M M.

    This was great to use as morning work. Editing is an area students always struggle with and this was very helpful keeping students engaged with interesting topics.

  30. emily G.

    I really struggled teaching this skill on paragraph editing and this resource really helped a lot!

  31. Marilyn M.

    This is a comprehensive resource and just what I was looking for–editing practice!

  32. Martha T.

    This is a fantastic resource! I am using it with a student I am tutoring in writing/ELA this summer. We complete part 1 of each page together, and he completes part 2 independently. The sheets provide so much opportunity for practice and discussion of writing conventions.

  33. Love of the Classroom

    This was perfect for morning work! I also used it as a review for students struggling in small group.

  34. Rhonda M.

    My students struggled with editing their own work, so we used this to practice.


    I really enjoy using this resource for homework. It is a quick print and go!

  36. Michelle Aker

    Great resource! I will definitely use this again with my students.

  37. Evelyn G.

    This is such a great resource to practice editing. I can see my students’ confidence growing as they are able to identify the errors in the paragraphs.

  38. iTeach4thToo

    This was a great way for my 4th graders to practice editing writing! Thank you!

  39. Janna Green-Coastal Teaching

    The passages were interesting an my students were engaged the whole time. This has become their favorite thing to do in class.

  40. Amanda B.

    My students love this resource. They had a lot of fun with it.

  41. Create With Miss D

    This was great practice! My students learned the importance of editing. Thank you!

  42. Marjorie H.

    This is a great resource. It will be very useful in my classroom. Thank You

  43. Kaleena M.

    My students really like this activity. It was easy for them to start understanding how to do edits.

  44. Melinda D.

    If you are on the fence about whether or not to buy this product, don’t be. My students and I absolutely love this resource! Not only are my students learning grammar and editing skills, but they are also learning the correct way to form sentences and write paragraphs. I cannot say enough about how wonderful this product is. The fact that it tells you how many errors are in the paragraph is an added bonus! I would buy this over and over again if I had to.

  45. Julia A.

    I used the first activity yesterday with my students. I printed it out, and they worked with a partner to find the errors. They enjoyed it.

  46. Resources for Visual Learners

    I am loving these paragraphs for editing. We correct the first paragraph together for practice and then my students edit the second one independently.

  47. Teresa Rocha

    I loved using this product with my students because they are still struggling with the Paragraph Writing process. Thanks!

  48. Jennifer H.

    This is the perfect resource for morning work and independent work stations! I love how the students practice identifying grammatical errors and rewriting the paragraph. This resource is great for grammar practice and fluent writing!

  49. Morgan G.

    This was a great resource! Loved all the editing examples and the checklist, which made it manageable for my students. Thanks!

  50. Jennifer J.

    Love this resource!!

  51. sue T.

    My studernts have really enjoyed this product to help them review their editing skills.

  52. Fantastic in Fourth Grade

    This is something that I find is very useful for my students. It is something that I can easily assign for classwork, homework, or even a quick assessment. Once they get used to the idea, they can work quickly and practice their grammar skills!

  53. NiCole T.

    My students really enjoyed this product. Thanks for all your hard work.

  54. Victor S.

    This is a wonderful resource to teach paragraph editing! I bought this resource because editing is something my students were rushing, and these worksheets really help! Each week has two paragraphs so that you can model and provide student practice, and each page has a checklist so that students know what to look for in the editing step. I love Tanya’s materials because she is so thorough; instead of going in order, I identified what my students were struggling with and started with paragraphs that targeted those skills. Then I set out some remainders as a center. Tanya’s intro materials also have a lot of really great ideas about how to extend paragraph editing, and I’m totally snagging the meme one!

  55. Christina W.

    Great resource, thank you!

  56. Susan O.

    I LOVED having this to make my students more responsible for proofreading. They got frustrated with it though, if I used too many.

  57. Buttercup Learning by Teacher Kris

    My students struggle with editing their own work. We use this as a tool to practice our editing skills without feeling like they’ve done their own writing incorrectly. It has helped them be more aware of their writing.

  58. Rachel Miller

    Engaging topics and great practice for editing paragraphs!

  59. Julie Hadfield

    This was easy to use and very helpful for my struggling students.

  60. Alison Pigott

    I love this resources my students are very poor with editing skills and bought this to improve their editing.

  61. Katelynn Hulsey

    Great daily review on editing!

  62. FunInRoom111

    This was a great resource to help my student to understand how to properly edit a writing piece. It had a variety of grammatical errors that made it challenging yet engaging. Great resource!

  63. Madoka Mason

    My students enjoyed this activity as they used what they learned in class.

  64. Karla R.

    Great resource, thank you!

  65. Traci N.

    Love this resource! Thank you!

  66. Kristen G.

    This was a great resource for my students to practice editing.

  67. Susan E.

    Helpful and just what I needed.

  68. Focused in Junior

    Such a fantastic product! I use this during my morning Bellwork, and it’s excellent to review with students as well. There’s a lot of great things in this product!

  69. Donna A.

    Very helpful!

  70. Erinn C.

    I love using these passages with my students, and they really enjoy it as well. I like that the passages are about topics that are interesting and relevant to the students, like basketball and Pokemon. My only critique is that some of the passages only have about 2 or 3 corrections in the whole paragraph, and some of the answer keys are incorrect. Thanks!

  71. Jennifer P.

    very helpful

  72. HappyJuniorTeacher

    Great resource! I’m not sure if it was the font or something but it appeared blurry to both my students and I. Thank you!

  73. Valerie Mulcahy

    These are so good! Great practice!

  74. Brandi Y.

    This resource was super helpful when homeschooling. It was easy to implement and my son enjoyed the challenge.

  75. Christine M.

    This really helped to structure a somewhat difficult concept for students to master. The resource is quite helpful.

  76. Belinda B.

    Excellent thank you

  77. Sheila W.

    Great resource.

  78. Yocelin Q.

    Great way to review spelling, punctuation, and other skills.

  79. Merrily in the Middle

    This was a great help with my writing intervention group. Thanks!

  80. Elizabeth H.

    thank you

  81. Cool Teacher Favorites

    I love this resource!!!!

  82. September R.

    Easy to implement during writing and easy for students to use!

  83. Cindy D.

    This resource is exactly what I needed for my students. It allowed them to practice their editing skills so that when it comes time to edit their own work, they will be more skilled at it. I like that the paragraphs were short so that it was tedious for the children.

  84. Jaci D.

    My students will love this resource!

  85. Theresa W.

    This was great editing practice for my students.

  86. Christie G.

    This is a great way to have your students practice editing skills. I know my students always need extra practice with this.

  87. Diana Solorio

    This is an awesome resource.

  88. Carolyn S.

    Great resource!

  89. Hanna R.

    This is perfect for quickly reviewing editing skills.

  90. Kathy O.

    Sadly, proofreading is often being ignored in our RLA programs. I am so glad there are products that allow students to practice this important skill.

  91. LPS

    Very Good!

  92. Ariane O.

    Awesome resource!

  93. Melody Lee Q.

    Very good resource for learning editing and revising skills.

  94. Cresta Winter

    I teach for an online charter school! This was easy for my students and I to use online. Great Resource!

  95. Judy C.

    I use this resource for warm-ups and I love it!

  96. Kari W.

    My students love this weekly paragraph editing resource. They are really understanding the editing process with these activities!

  97. tabetha S.


  98. Stephanie Rodriguez

    I really enjoyed this resource. it is easy to use and very necessary. Great practice for the students, even I enjoyed refining my editing skills.

  99. Sarah J.

    Nice format. Easy to use. Interesting passage. Nice amount and variety of error type.

  100. Karlie B.

    My students enjoy this!

  101. Renee Hairston

    Great resource to reteach/reinforce student ability to edit.

  102. Heather Hetrick

    Love it!

  103. Tammie V.

    Perfect practice!!! My students enjoyed using this resource. Thanks.

  104. Kyle J.

    This was so helpful, thank you!

  105. gina parnell

    I like that it keeps my students engaged in their learning.

  106. Rhonda B.

    I use this resource as a measure for language IEP goals. It is very organized and useful.

  107. Theresa T.

    Great resource.

  108. I plead the fifth grade

    Fantastic. It really saved me in a pinch.

  109. Rebecca Hudson

    I really like this resource. It is very helpful.

  110. Jean’s Speech

    This has so much of what I was looking for. My kids need a great deal of work in this area. I am grateful I found it.

  111. Swain in the Middle

    This is just what I needed. Thanks!

  112. Marianna Fedoryshyn

    Thank you! Great resource.

  113. Sarah S.

    I bought this to use for grammar during distance learning but realized they did not have enough grammar skills to do independently. This will be amazing for in-person learning when I can provide guidance.

  114. Amanda E.

    Great Product!

  115. Alicia D.

    This was a great resource!

  116. Leia W.

    Thank you.

  117. Deb L.


  118. Lisa Russo

    This is an excellent resource. It can be done all at once, or as an In-between activity to strengthen their editing skills on their own writing.

  119. Jaclyn S.

    Thank You

  120. NIDYA R.

    I have seen lots of growth in my students’ writing, ever since we began editing these weekly paragraphs. They apply new skills learned, and best of all, they go back and carefully edit their work without me having to remind them. Editing has become a habit, since we do it thrice a week.

  121. Beth C.

    Excellent resource! Very thorough and useful!

  122. Kristen B.

    love no-prep!

  123. Mama Stacey’s

    This is an excellent and engaging resource, thank you so much!

  124. Empowering Little Minds

    So helpful and easy to use!

  125. Suzanne D.

    Great! Also great for a supply teacher.

  126. Holly H.

    Great resource! I have already used it and love it!

  127. Sherry G.

    Very thorough and well thought out! Thank you for making this resource!

  128. Amanda T.

    Can’t wait to use this for editing practice!

  129. Kelly A.

    Great resource!! Thanks!

  130. Sylvia Devers

    Great way to spiral revising and editing!

  131. Heather L.

    This product is great and has made my lessons so much richer.

  132. Robin G.

    Excellent resource to review grammar and editing skills. They work well to help focus kids when they return from lunch.

  133. Julia D.

    Always love your resources!!!! Thank you.

  134. Leslie M.

    Thank you allowing us to see the first two weeks before purchase. Using highlighters is a great way to identify the editing mistakes. I know these editing opportunity will strengthen my students writing. Perfect for my 4/5 combo. Thank you

  135. Lisa T.

    Used only once at the end of the year. Can’t wait to use it again though! Very helpful!

  136. Kelda Byrne

    I’m always looking for editing practice for my students and love this no prep activity!

  137. Jessica S.

    My students needed so much practice with editing this past school year. This product made it easy to practice and eventually master. Thank you for this thorough resource!

  138. Annette H.

    I cant wait to use this resource in my 4th grade class this year. I will add it to my writing workshop

  139. Samantha Porter


  140. Nancy M.

    Great Resources!

  141. Deanna A.

    Needed something like this. Great. Thanks!!!!

  142. Janine L.

    Great morning work activity!

  143. Virginia C.

    Great warm-up.

  144. Helen S.

    Wow! This is wonderful! We’ve been editing sentences lately and I was looking to up their game to full paragraphs to help with their essay writing. I love how you format these. If I could ask for more, it would be the Friday review quizzes you suggest.

  145. Jennifer B.

    My class has done 9 weeks of editing practice and each week the answer key has errors in the paragraphs that are not marked. The answer key needs to be edited itself and revised.

  146. Katie B.

    My students struggle with editing their writings and I’m hoping having some guided practice in this area will be a help to make it more useful for them.

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