Experience the fun of hands-on math games with these subtraction with and without regrouping math centers, perfect for 2nd graders! Step away from old-school worksheets for a minute, and captivate your 2nd and 3rd-grade students with our engaging Match-Up Math Games. 🧮
These math centers transform any routine subtraction practice into a lively and effective learning journey throughout the school year!
Dive deep with our subtraction math games that cover:
– Both 2 and 3-digit subtraction review with and without regrouping
– Subtracting across zeros
– Identifying numbers in word form, expanded form, and standard form–which also strengthens place value!
– Mental math exercises focused on subtracting within 20 and 100
– Subtraction concepts up to 1,000
With these enticing math centers/games, students will not only bolster their fact accuracy but will also refine their grasp on place value.
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☝️☝️ Check out the PREVIEW for examples ☝️☝️
Why You’ll Love These Math Games:
- They’re easy to follow and use!
- A NO-PREP, Color-Coding Version is also included!!
- Makes practicing subtraction skills more fun.
- Use them ANY time of the year.
- Works with any math curriculum.
- You can put the digital version on the board and have students come up to drag-and-drop the correct answer.
How to Use These in Your Classroom:
- subtraction math centers
- partner games
- a whole group subtraction activity to practice regrouping
- a fun activity for a tutoring session
- math test prep games
- individual color-coding math activity
Supports the Following Common Core Standards:
- 2.0A.B.2
- 2.NBT.B.5
- 2.NBT.B.7
- 3.NBT.A.2
❤️Save 30% with this BUNDLE ❤️
☝️☝️ Check out the PREVIEW for examples ☝️☝️
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Brittany R. –
Great resource!